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更新: 2006年01月13日 (6676d)


   Most anywhere Textile code is used, attributes such as arbitrary css style,
   css classes, and ids can be applied. The syntax is fairly consistent.
   The following characters quickly alter the alignment of block elements:
       <  ->  left align    ex. p<. left-aligned para
       >  ->  right align       h3>. right-aligned header 3
       =  ->  centred           h4=. centred header 4
       <> ->  justified         p<>. justified paragraph
   These will change vertical alignment in table cells:
       ^  ->  top         ex. |^. top-aligned table cell|
       -  ->  middle          |-. middle aligned|
       ~  ->  bottom          |~. bottom aligned cell|
   Plain (parentheses) inserted between block syntax and the closing dot-space
   indicate classes and ids:
       p(hector). paragraph -> <p class="hector">paragraph</p>
       p(#fluid). paragraph -> <p id="fluid">paragraph</p>
       (classes and ids can be combined)
       p(hector#fluid). paragraph -> <p class="hector" id="fluid">paragraph</p>
   Curly {brackets} insert arbitrary css style
       p{line-height:18px}. paragraph -> <p style="line-height:18px">paragraph</p>
       h3{color:red}. header 3 -> <h3 style="color:red">header 3</h3>
   Square [brackets] insert language attributes
       p[no]. paragraph -> <p lang="no">paragraph</p>
       %[fr]phrase% -> <span lang="fr">phrase</span>
   Usually Textile block element syntax requires a dot and space before the block
   begins, but since lists don't, they can be styled just using braces
       #{color:blue} one  ->  <ol style="color:blue">
       # big                   <li>one</li>
       # list                  <li>big</li>
	Using the span tag to style a phrase
       It goes like this, %{color:red}the fourth the fifth%
             -> It goes like this, <span style="color:red">the fourth the fifth</span>